I dance because it feels great. I’m not a dancer and I don’t care. It’s fun, it’s playful, and it makes me connected with my body.
That’s how I look like during my dancing breaks—it’s a total bliss!
Since one of my focus areas for 2020 is playful movement, I’m dancing every single day. To make it easy to start (transitions are always tricky), I made a commitment to dance to one song only (Tiny Habits FTW). But let’s face it—once the fun begins it’s hard to stop and I end up dancing much longer on most of the days.
As the Wise Man once said:
Make it dead easy to start.
Profit 😎.
But it’s always more fun to dance together. So here’s my dancing playlist (+1 song every day). Wanna shake a leg with me?
For bonus points bring your +1 along (your partner, your pal or your grandma). There’s just a different level of energy in the room when people are dancing together.
That’s an old video, but it still makes my heart smile.
Btw, this is not the first time that I’m coming back to dancing. In fact, it’s probably one of the simplest, most effective movement practices I know—it needs no skill, no prep, no equipment (I can totally roll without music)—and it can be done anytime, anywhere. No excuses.
Random moves by the Sun set.
Now it’s your turn 💃🏿!