My creative juices were flowing like crazy in the last few days. I blame my chest.
This is where I keep all of my clothes, devices and fluff (#minimalism). This is where I journal in the morning and evening. And this is all where I connect with myself and make sense of all the mess in my head.
I intentionally design this space to help me focus on what’s important to me.
The cards were a gift from Silvia. She’s a gorgeously talented human being.
The next step is to find a plank of wood (~80x55cm) and make a proper movable table. The board I’m using at the moment bends quite a bit, but it’s an “MVP” solution I can live with for now.
While my room still doesn’t feel how I’d like it to feel, I know that I’m on the right track. Patience, Charlie*, patience. I only moved in a while ago.
*Sometimes I like to say “Charlie”. There’s no connection to any person, real or fictional.
I like that you have a place to connect with yourself regularly. Your chest looks even like a shrine or altar - nice!