Seeking Fear 😱
A few days ago Silvia and I jumped from a huge rock into the Ocean. As I hit the water, something inside of me shifted—I started deliberately pursuing fear.
A few years ago I became comfortable with my own mortality. I know that one day I will die, and if that day happens to be today—I’m okay with it. I’ve had an amazing life and I’m grateful for every single day. Sure, there are experiences I’d still like to have, but I understand that it is not all within my control.
While I’m okay with dying, I’ve realised that I’m often feeling fear. And in the 99,99% of situations I’m not being chased by jaguars. My life isn’t in any real danger, yet I feel fear. Fear of what? Discomfort. That’s not the kind of person I want to be.
Fear is an indicator, showing me the areas where I still have to grow. And I can exercise my spirit the same way as I train my body and mind—through deliberate practice. Thank you, Fear, for showing me the opportunities for my workout. You’re a blessing!
When I feel fear I become fully present. When I feel fear my body and mind is ready for optimal response. When I feel fear I can embody courage.
Courage to speak. To be present. To hold space. To be imperfect and vulnerable. To trust. To jump on board. To be with myself. To Love. To go deeper. To say ‘no’. To laugh wholeheartedly. To act from the Heart.