I'm on a train to Amsterdam, having a brief moment of reconnection with myself on this very fruitful and intense journey. In a few hours I'll jump into another container - a Pirate Gathering with Piratas do Amor and another book launch event, this time in the capital of the Netherlands.

We'll also have another book event in Berlin on the 29 Jan at Medley.
I've included microgrants for the book –> a possibility to fund the printed edition with small grants of €100, €300 or €1000. Use this link and click on Fund the Book
I just came out of the Enspiral Europe Retreat, which renewed my commitment and excitement about this network. I've been showered with connections, advice, reflection space, and possibilities for collaboration and scaling up my skills.
Developing governance protocols for Enspiral Europe with my buddy Rich☝️
It's all still unprocessed, and a part of me notices that including a self-day at this point of my journey in the Mainland would make a tremendous difference to my wellbeing and groundedness.
I noticed this very strongly in my body today - it was the first day that I really struggled with my yoga practice. The good news is that it is still crystal clear that I won't skip my 30m daily session. I'm too close to completing my commitment of 33 days in a row. The session itself was a big challenge. Still... I did show up and I get to fill another dot on my card.
My Prioritise Priorities deck is clearly working, and it seems that it's next in line for coursification.
Speaking of that, when in Lisbon, I had a sudden burst of energy and published The Silence Game - helping you design your own self-facilitated silent retreat.
As a bonus, I've asked Silvia to interview me about my recent Silent Retreat (28min):
That's the third game published in the last month, and I feel like I found a format that feels effortless to create regenerative games - both for individuals and groups.
My next steps:
Wrap up feedback on the Enspiral Europe Documentation and publish
Process ideas from the Handbook Game prototype, hosted at Enspiral Gathering to kickstart redesigning Enspiral Handbook
Book launch in Amsterdam
Visiting Enkhuizer Zeevaartschool where I want to study from October.
Book launch in Berlin
34th Birthday
Visiting the family
Aaaand then back to Portugal.
There's still almost a month to go until my return to Pico. Gotta pace myself and make space for grounding and stillness.
With Love and Funky Vibes,
ps. this time no Moonly Video - I have the footage, but no energy to edit it just yet. I'll come back to it at some point. But you can have a peek at my squares (which are not squares no more):