Moonly Review 🌑 Exciting Invitations
Where Michał moves around a lot and it kinda makes a lot of sense.
On the New Moon Day I visited my favourite place in Amsterdam to reflect upon the last cycle and write you another letter.
I'm now on a train to Maysou, a delightful community project in the Pyrenees and another stop on the tour promoting my second book - How to Semi-Nomad.
It seems that I'm quite on the move these days. Since departing from Leysin where we wrote the book in one month, I've been to Kraków, Ipswitch, Brisol, Welsh countryside, Edinburgh, Kraków again, Amsterdam and Paris. The road continues and there's not so much semi in all this nomading...
A friend recently asked on my microblog about my home.
After a few days in Amsterdam I got a moment of clarity - it’s actually my second Home, a place where I want to spend 4-6 weeks a year. What’s the primary home is still to be determined…
I will be quite on the move for the next months, and there's a part of me that craves more stability, and yet more parts are super excited about all these upcoming adventures.
More importantly, it feels like everything I do now contributes to the overarching goal of 2025 - finding the people to build a home (or a few homes) with. It always starts with people for me, and what better ways to discover long-term neighbours than through epic adventures and fun collaborations?
I reflected recently that one of the things that I'm grateful for in this year is the impressive increase of the quality of invitations I am making.
There's the sailing trips, Quest Antarctica on Tecla (30 Jan - 22 Feb) and Amsterdam to Lisbon on Twister (2-19 Jan). Here’s a little video from visiting Twister:
Ain’t she gorgeous?
Btw, I still have some spots for both of this trips. Message me for more info if you wanna do some proper sailing ⛵️.
There's also another month-long book writing mastermind in April, this time exploring how to build thriving neighbourhoods with friends (which is precisely what I'm doing 😎).
Once again, we'll come together for a month, play cards 3 hours per day, and like magic end up with a printed book and friendships. This is the vibe from the last mastermind encapsulated in a 55 second video:
(click here if the video doesn't load.)
We're just opening the registrations for How to Build Thriving Neighbourhoods with Friends! Reach out to me directly, or join this telegram group to get more info:
After the book is done, I'll make my way to another Enspiral Gathering, visit my family, do a little book tour and finally head to Azores, to put the learnings of the book in practice. My intention is to bring close friends along and spend around 6 weeks to start getting the ball rolling on that neighbourhood building business. Wether we'll be settling in Azores is to be determined, but for now I just wish for the group to form.
And then it's time to build another ship in a desert...
It feels very weird to have half of my year outlined, and somehow it makes sense. More ideas are percolating, and of course everything is subject to change, and yet the direction is clear - bring people together, in person, spend longer time together, and build exciting things together.
I don't know what's going to sprout from it, but I have a very good feeling about what it might be.
In the midst of all these, I'm percolating the idea of hosting another year-long online course focused on building consistency with 3 core practices. I run it in 2021 and the results were freaking grand:
“I am DEEPLY grateful for your program. I am on day 140 of yoga daily and day 74 of meditating every day. It's making such a difference in EVERYTHING.” – Cathy
“I've made my year in review as always to close this year. Going through my calendar, the series of events, feelings and insights that I had, I realized how much of a great impact your work had on the positive outcome of my year. I'm slowly changing to become the person I would like to be. You gave me tools for that, by putting your heart in sharing your own life and learnings openly, as a coach, as a mentor, as a person." – Flora
Perhaps it's time to bring the consistency and non-negotiable commitment back?
If you're interested drop into this telegram group:
More info to follow.
Okay, the train is soon arriving to my destination for the day.
I wish you a wonderful day and even better new Moon Cycle 🤍
ps. There's a nice interview with me in BounceSpace journal with a funky photo shoot. Have a look 👀.
Observing this level of clarity in thinking is deeply satisfying, even from the sidelines!
Hey Michal, right now you are definitely a full nomad. The Azores are waiting for you. Hope we ll become No 1 home. :-) Thanks for the amazing update and keep the energy flowing. Beijinhos