Dear Fellow Spirit,
After four months I am making my way Westward of Lisbon, towards the magickal archipelago that I call Home. As the clouds pass below me, I can feel the entire summer integrating straight into the core of my Being.
It looks something like this:
I haven't forgot about you, btw. The New Moon (when I write this letter) coincided with my last day at the Traditional Dream Factory, from where I disappeared into a week of transition and well deserved holiday after the insane amount of energy moved and catalysed over the summer.
My Moon Cycle so far looks like this:
The squares are not squares anymore. There is colour everywhere. Even the posture of my walking changed, although you'd need to see me IRL to notice.
First things first: I Love you.
That's a note to both you and to myself. There needs to be a healthy balance in everything. I've learnt a thing or two about embodying balance while gracefully (on occasion) dancing on slacklines, facing total chaos from a place of deep stillness, or practicing shamanic platypus walking:

There's always a big smile on my face now. I guess this is one of tale-signs that things are in alignment. Note the present tense - that's the one I care about. Other tenses and tensions are deliciously dissolving into bliss as I allow myself to relax, trust, and embody the transformation.
It really does start in the body.
What's next then?
Celebrate my arrival to the Azores with the meeting with Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras to get my permanent residency in the archipelago.
Return to the Cabin to self-test the first iteration of the Personal Regeneneration Cabin Residency Program (which you can indeed learn more about and co-create with me).
Sign the papers on the magickal forest I'm buying in Pico.
I still need to frame my Cabin Residency, but the first and most important project to focus on is crystal clear:
Finish the Regenerative Village Builders Playbook and get it ready for publishing.
The process of writing the book was my most excellent playful facilitation wizardry so far. 11 days. 15 people. 194 pages written in 3 hours per day (with some extras), with playfulness and well-being-together at the core of everything. 2 iteration events. Excellent feedback to integrate.
It's time for final synthesising, polishing, editing, layouting... and it's done.
There are also a few Other Spells to cast, but I do remember to create ONE THING AT A TIME.
Here's one of these other spells:
A magickal card game created at the Gathering of the Tribes.
The plane is about to land in 15 minutes, and I have a feeling I'll catch a glimpse of the islands soon, so I'll leave you with pre-verbalisation of the Vision that became clear to me:
I'm SPELLing my facilitation wizardry (because, yes, it’s a SPELL):
Four In-Real-Life events per calendar year
Events last from 5 days up to a month. Time allows for depth. No rush.
Creation-focused (book / game / other artefact / ...)
Energy exchange highly respectful of my wizardry.
Aligned purpose
With that in mind:
I have space for one more event in this year. If the right invitation is waiting to be shared, I am open to receive it. If not, that's also totally okay - I've been having my eyes on the horizon:
(Need some Ocean Practice Time before embarking on a journey with Piratas do Amor next year.)
See you around,
ps. Here's the Moonly Video from the last Moon cycle. I called it Sheeplosion 🐑.
Good luck with everything and cant wait to play your card game