Moonly Review 🌕 Book, Cards, and Creating New Culture
And in the process of all that finding my role.
Hello hello!
The Full Moon passed a few days ago, and I've just realised that I haven't written my review. I've been fully sucked into the Regenerative Village Builders Mastermind.
We’re co-creating an open-source book for aspiring regenerative village builders to move towards REGENERATIVE way of living as a common planetary goal.
I facilitated a group of 15 amazing people to write 172 pages in 9 days, followed by 2 days of live feedback with another ~20ish people who dropped by for the weekend. I've facilitated the entire mastermind with cards, and working with them is my superpower.
I'm still mindblown by what happened.
1) We're creating a new way of living on a global level and it's just so much more exciting than what mainstream has to offer.
2) The shift already happened for a lot of people, and the network of regenerators and village builders is moving at a very fast pace. I'm looking forward to seeing all these new spaces and projects popping up like mushrooms after the rain (as we'd say in my birthcountry).
3) I found myself in the perfect role: creating in-real-life containers for playful co-creation, aligned with my North Star: co-creating a beautiful world where all beings can thrive. I've been stepping into my power for a while, but this was next level. I'm very, very good at what I do, and I'm looking forward to do more. If you have an invitation for me - I’m here to listen 🐉.
I've documented the whole mastermind live in the longest twitter thread I've ever written:

The book is now in the v0.5 state, waiting for the first feedback round to be processed and integrated. In two days we're going to the Gathering of the Tribes - a co-created participatory festival bringing together regenerative communities.
I'll be using this time to iterate on the book.
In the meantime, we've opened a grant page for the book via Gitcoin. If you feel called to support our work that'd mean a lot to me.
We still have the introduction and outro to write, a few possible co-creators to reach out to, and then the editing, layouting and print. We’d like the digital version to be available for free so anyone can access the info we’re collecting.
That's it for now. I'm exhausted and need to rest ♥️
Love and Light,
ps. Bonus - the video from the past moon cycle (with Abela Artfaire, Enspiral Gathering, Waking Life and a lot of co-created bonanza at TDF and around).