Moonly Review 🌑 Adventure Begins Today
In this episode, Michał says goodbye to his beloved island.
Hello dear Friend!
It’s been a while since I’ve sent you my last Moonly Review, and today is the time to write one again. The timing is perfect - the new chapter of my life is beginning right now.
Back in February, I made a decision to enroll into the Enkhuizer Nautical Academy and reintegrate sailing into my life, this time For Real. I have now said goodbye to my beautiful Island and the Island Family and I’m on my way East, towards the Netherlands. It’s going to be the longest time away from Pico since I arrived here in 2020.
Pico is my Home, the primary base and where I want to operate from. I love this island, the Land, the weather, the people who live there, and the state of Being that I experience when I’m here. I feel so much gratitude for having found this magickal archipelago in the middle of the vast Atlantic Ocean.
(👁 More pics, this time on Insta.)
And yet, it is clear to me that my life calls for adventure beyond the island. And I know that sailing brings me to a state of aliveness like nothing else. I have been observing myself becoming derailed from it for a many years, and finally the time has come.
Adventure begins today.
First - a night in Lisbon, the city of Light and Hills that I enjoy tremendously.
Then - a few days in the Traditional Dream Factory, my second Home, which is now undergoing a critical stage of its evolution. I’m about to conclude a few months of service as a Catalyst Wizard and step into the more distant part of the TDF orbit for a few months to focus on my studies. But before I fly away I’m really excited to reconnect with that magickal place and my Tribe.
And then, finally, it’s sailing time baby, starting with the Pirate Cruise on the mighty Atyla, which looks badass indeed:
This is going to be my first time on a tall ship and I’m curious, nervous, excited, and somewhat sensing that it’s going to feel like home from day one. And also - a LOT to learn. I’m used to sailing on boats with 2 sails, and this one has nine of them, each with its own lines, and ofc everything has a super specific name.
After Atyla, I’m heading towards Amsterdam for my professional sailing education.
And of course - creating magic and making cards!
Ik ben een tovenaar van Pico Island. Wilt u een kaart?
Speaking of Cards… After months of wizardous prototyping I am about to release my first Wizard Deck into the world.
It’s called Wild Cards, and it’s a game design to facilitate meaningful interactions. The cards, illustrated by my favourite artist Sílvia Bastos, are ready to print. The deck cover made by a super talented force of nature Juliana Andrade are prototyped and ready to be made.
The last missing piece, which has been so far the most challenging so far, is to finalise the Info Card - containing guidance for the game. Fortunately I’m heading to TDF, which is one of the most creatively inspiring places I know of - perfect to complete that last step.
It’s time for this wizard to shine!
Here’s the best part about the Cards, professionally speaking:
A few months ago, during Enspiral Gathering, Dan offered to coach me in building my business. I showed up to the first session with a crazy list of ideas, and through the weeks we pruned them down to the one that both me and (somewhat surprisingly to me) Dan was the most bullish about, which was indeed Cards.
A few months later, I have my first game almost ready to print, my first committed buyers, a business model, a way better understanding of how business works, and most importantly - a beautiful direction to move towards, fully aligned with my personality and lifestyle.
The source edition of the Wild Cards is the beginning.
What’s beyond the horizon?
I’m looking forward to share more with you as the journey unfolds ☀️
Love and Light,