Every now and then I take some time to rethink my content creation process. Today is one of these days, probably because I’ve read this article where Josh Kaufman seems to have it all figured out, and a big part of his process happens with pen and paper.
Thing is—while I appreciate my digital tools, I feel much more connected to working with pen and paper. The level of flow and creativity is just different. And I can create things like this without any hassle:
That’s just how my brain likes to process information 🧠.
On the other hand, I know that I can’t (yet?) ditch the digital side of content creation. I’m not even sure if I’d want to do it in the first place. And I like to look for solutions integrating the best out of both worlds.
That’s why, I’m embarking on another content creation process experiment: move to the computer as late as possible.
Today I’ve been working on a new module of the Minimalist Journaling Course and most of it has been conceived on the pages of my journal and blank A4 sheets. I used my computer only to type the final draft. It felt good and I’ve been able to produce ~2000 words in 7 pomodoro sessions of 25 minutes. That’s quite fast for my standards. It usually takes me a few days to write a module (facepalm).
It feels like I’m up to something. Let’s see what happens 🐸.